dji ultner hoefeweg
dji ultner hoefeweg


Reservoirs and wonderful hiking destinations characterise Ultimo with its Schwemmalm hiking and skiing area above Pracupola

The majority of the Val d'Ultimo valley is taken up by the municipality of Ultimo, which stretches from the village of Santa Valburga to Lake Fontana Bianca at the head of the valley. The first alpine huts are just above the lake shore, and here you are already in the Stelvio National Park. All around, the three-thousand-metre peaks of the Ultimo Mountains, which form a foothill of the Ortles Group, tower majestically. This is a grandiose hiking area with numerous mountain lakes that have such resonant names as Covolo Lakes, a hiking destination above the Kühberg Mountain Hut, and Lake Seefeld in the Val di Lavace, a side valley. Mountain bikers, hikers and ski tourers in winter have found the ideal spot.

At the bottom of the valley, the Ultimo Farm Trail leads you through the valley, past the beautiful farmhouses with their traditional shingle roofs. It stretches on the sunny side into the valley as far as the famous ancient larch trees and the Stelvio National Park House in the old Lahner Sawmill. In winter, the range of activities is complemented by the Schwemmalm Ultimo Ski Area, which extends above Pracupola. Dominik Paris' home ski area can now be reached directly from Pracupola by the new cable car.

A special topic here are the tasty sweet Krapfen. These widely known "Ultner Krapfen" are filled with poppy seeds and baked in hot oil. Still today, they are made by the farmers' wives and offered on occasions such as the traditional Krapfen Begging, as well as served at weddings or at the big annual events: You can taste them at the South Tyrolean Krapfen Festival held in Pracupola at the beginning of September, as well as at the big Pracupola Market a few weeks later.

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