Martinsweg Glaning P
Martinsweg Glaning P

Autumn hike on the St. Martin’s Path

A pleasant walk on a very special path for children and adults is the St. Martin’s Path at Cologna

It's a bright day in December and we want to enjoy the sun. So we decide to walk round the village of Cologna because even in this period of the year this area is reached by the sun. At Cologna we take the path of St. Martin. This is a spiritual path which combines the elements of God, nature and experience. It was founded in 2008 by the Catholic Youth Organisation and the Boy Scouts of South Tyrol. Our starting point is the guest house "Plattner" at Clogna di Sopra (1,047 m a.s.l.).

We have to walk through the forest to reach the entrance of the St. Martin's-Path. In total we will find 11 stations on the path, which can not only be watched but also experienced actively. The well known holy St. Martin is the patron of Cologna and leads us along the path. At the station 10 we find a very special viewpoint with a gorgeous view on the Valle dell'Adige valley.

The Flak-Ruin, the prayer mill and plenty of seats invite us to take a rest. Then we reach the last station no. 11 and start our way home. A bright winter-day with lots of amazing experiences for us and our children!

Author: ED

stroller-friendly suited for families circular route difficulty: easy tailored for children theme trail
  • Starting point:
    Guest house Plattner, Cologna di Sopra
  • Time required:
    01:30 h
  • Track length:
    5,0 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.044 m to 1.223 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +179 m | -179 m
  • Route:
    St. Martin’s Path
  • Signposts:
    St. Martin’s Path
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Autumn hike on the St. Martin’s Path

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Bed & breakfast

    Naturidylle Geyrerhof

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