Almen Zoggler Stausee Start vom Damm
Almen Zoggler Stausee Start vom Damm

Lake Zoccolo

Between the villages of Santa Valburga and Pracupola in the Val d’Ultimo valley there’s Lake Zoccolo, a popular excursion destination

The largest of the six reservoirs in the Val d'Ultimo is Lake Zoccolo, or Zoggler Reservoir (Zoggler-Stausee). It is about 3 km long and stretches from the walkable dam wall near Santa Valburga until the paragliding landing place near Pracupola. At this spot, every year in autumn the famous Pracupola Market and the traditional Sheep Market take place. The hydro of the lake was built between 1957 and 1963 - two of the most beautiful farms in the area fell victim to the floods. Today, the reservoir is a popular excursion destination during the summer months.

At the impressive more than 500 metres long dam wall, numerous hikes start, like the one on the Ultimo Valley Trail, along the historic Cart Path or the hike to the alpine pastures, such as the Spitzner Mountain Hut or the not managed Holzschlag Hut. The Zoccolo Lake Trail itself proceeds from the dam wall along a forest road until Pracupola, where five installations based on the five pillars by Sebastian Kneipp have been realised. The other half of the path, towards the road, was added in 2020 as hiking and cycling trail. In winter, the Val d'Ultimo valley track leads past the lake.

Altitude: 1,141 m a.s.l.
Surface: 143 hectares
Depth: max. 63 m
Category: reservoir

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