Issinger Weiher I
Issinger Weiher I

Issengo Pond

The marsh lake and bathing lake of Issengo is a natural treasure at the Val Pusteria Sun Road

"More than water!" this is the motto of the Issengo Pond. The popular natural bathing pond is located in Issengo in the municipality of Falzes on the Val Pusteria Sun Road. It is one of the few natural lakes of the Val Pusteria valley and also one of the last pond biotopes of South Tyrol. Other ones are, for example, the Valsura Biotope in the surroundings of Lana, the Old Adige Biotope in the south of South Tyrol, and the Raier Moos, Zussis and Laugen Biotopes near Bressanone. The protected pond offers a very speciose flora and fauna with dragonflies, frogs and co.

In summer, the bathing pond which is called "Puschtra Meer" (Sea of the Val Pusteria) in local dialect, and the neighbouring Kronaction Outdoor & Fun Park attract locals and guests equally with its waters slides and water fountains. In winter, however, the Issengo Pond (Issinger Weiher) turns into a natural ice skating rink. It can easily be reached by means of public transport.

Altitude: 950 m a.s.l.
Surface: 1.5 hectares
Category: moor lake, bathing lake

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