Gewuerztraminer Weinstrasse
Gewuerztraminer Weinstrasse

GewürzTRAMINer Wineday

The Wine Day in spring which is completely dedicated to the Gewürztraminer, offers information about this golden wine

Orange-reddish are the grapes on the vines: Some say they look fairly strange, but their taste... is simply unique. Once they are picked and carefully filled into bottles they result in a sweet, fruity wine. Gewürztraminer wines have got their name from their home town Termeno and are known on an international level. During the "International Gewürztraminer Symposium", wine-growers and experts from all over the world united for years in Termeno. Now, another event is dedicated to this special wine. On a Saturday in spring, the GewürzTRAMINer Wineday invites to a wine walk.

In the vineyards of Termeno, more precisely along the Gewürztraminer Trail, different stations invite to taste the golden wine and the Gewürztraminer grappas. South Tyrolean Speck, local cheese and best apple juice complete the culinary experience.

Do you want more information about the wine? What about a tour in the Local Museum "Hoamet Tramin Museum" with its large collection of historic Gewürztraminer from all over the world?

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