winter wanderweg reinswald pichlberg kreuz
winter wanderweg reinswald pichlberg kreuz

Winter hike in Reinswald

The Pichlberg Mountain Inn is located at 2,135 m a.s.l. in the Reinswald skiing area - you can toboggan down on the track

The parking space of the Reinswald Skiing Area at the valley station in San Martino (Reinswald) is the starting point for our winter walk. From here we follow the trail no. 7, then no. 8 to the Sunnalm Mountain Hut. The walking trails by the way parallel the toboggan run, one of the toboggan runs in Bolzano and surroundings.

About half of the ascent is already done and the view of the Sarentino Alps is just stunning. We proceed on the path no. 9, leading past different mountain huts up to the mountain station of the cable car. Once reached the top, we are looking forward to a stop in the Pichlberg Mountain Inn.

Up to this point, we scaled 570 m of altitude difference. For the descent, we take the same route back. If you brought your sledge, you can also toboggan down on the sledge track. Notice: The data indicated refer to the entire route, including return trip, on foot.

Author: AT

difficulty: moderate tobogganing
  • Starting point:
    valley station of the Reinswald Cable Car
  • Time required:
    03:00 h
  • Track length:
    8,4 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.566 m to 2.124 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +557 m | -557 m
  • Signposts:
    no. 7, 8, 9, winter walking trail
  • Destination:
  • Resting points:
    Sunnolm, Pichlberg
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Winter hike in Reinswald

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Bed & breakfast

    Naturidylle Geyrerhof

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